You are looking at a rare 1957 BSA. This bike came from the original owner, who built the bike many years ago. I was told this does have a racing camshaft and was converted from a 40″ twin to a short rod racing engine, and I do have its original 1958 BSA dealer service racing camshaft bulletin, and instructions for converting. Any part that could be drilled to have weight loss ,did, even parts you cant see, take a look at the pictures and see for yourself. This bike also has a rare set of dual racing carbs with one large float bowl in the center of them, see pictures. The engine does kick over, but it hasn’t run in a long time
Price: Auction
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 1957 BSA B31 (Affiliate link)
Location: Tampa, Florida, United States